Township of Franklin
Somerset, NJ
Franklin Day Committee
505 DeMott Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873
(732) 873-2500 ext. 6428
We are pleased to invite you to become a Sponsor for the 8th Annual Franklin Day! This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2024, at Colonial Park, Somerset, NJ, from 12:00pm until 5:00pm in Lot C/Knob Hill Grove near the Children’s Playground. Due to the size and complexity of this one-day event no rain date will be scheduled. Due to financial obligations and contractual commitments, there will be no refunds.
Franklin Day is a community-wide celebration featuring live entertainment, an art show, a classic car show, over 100 exhibitor tables, as well as a host of FREE attractions for children in a beautiful park setting. The purpose is to bring our diverse community together while providing a showcase for Township businesses, industries, agencies, schools, and community organizations.
Your sponsorship will provide you with increased interaction, visibility, and direct access to the 20,000 attendees from Franklin Township and neighboring communities! As always, this event will be heavily promoted. As a participating sponsor you will also be included in key marketing activities and media outlets including print, radio, cable, websites, and social networking platforms.
In addition to supporting the event your sponsorship will support Township non-profit programs that positively impact the lives of those in need. All sponsorships, as well as in-kind donations, are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the law.
Once you’ve decided on your sponsorship level, please complete, and return the attached form. By including your payment now, we can immediately include you in our advertising campaign. All payments should be mailed to the address on the application.
We appreciate your consideration and thoughtful support.
Thank you,
Mayra L. Jimenez
Program Coordinator, Special Events